Yoni steam
an ancient sacred space bringing in all the primordial elements: water, fire, air, & earth. A magical experience that allows the waters to soften you, the fire to warm you, the air to bring the steam into your tissues, & the plants to help tend to your physical concerns. This experience is for all ages!
The Gift of Yoni Steaming:
Yoni steaming is for those who have experienced any form of abuse, irregular bleeds, sexual trauma, sexual shame/guilt, infections, infertility, menopausal, womb disorders, & can even support preparing for birth after 37 weeks into pregnancy or right after birth.
Yoni steaming is a sacred act of reclaiming our pleasure, fertility, artistry, magic, & authenticity of being in a womb body.
Yoni steams are a powerful tool to help our nervous system relax. The warmth and steam helps the yoni tissues and pelvic muscles soften. The herbs I choose for your womb steam will help with any complication you could be experiencing.