Heart & Womb Massage:
a sacred space held to help you reconnect to your heart and womb space.
This massage is an opportunity to help you soften into your heart, belly & womb space. Supporting the release of trauma, bloating, discomfort and/or pain in the body.
A supportive experience for all stages of your monthly cycle and all age groups! This massage is external only.
For this service, you can receive a breast and womb massage or choose one area over the others.
The Gift of Womb Massage:
There are muscles in and around your breasts and there are muscles around the whole entire pelvic floor and pubic bones that go untouched and untended to in modern day bodywork and Massaging.
An imbalance and ignorance of these body parts in massage and therapy sessions can cause a lot of emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages and can become bigger problems over the years. (Tumors, Cysts, Lumps, Fibroids, Inflammation, Infertility, & Chronic Pain)
The privacy of your body parts and the importance of making sure you are in safe hands in healing your body are very important and highly taken into consideration.
The pain, trauma, & emotions that show up as fibroids, cysts, disease, and chronic pain need proper attention by proper hands and hearts!
Joslyn will make sure you receive everything you need and more!